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  1. shall advertise its presence in the Open Finance Brasil ecosystem by being listed on the Directory of Participants;

  2. shall advertise all Open Finance Brasil REST API resources protected by the OpenID Provider on the Directory of Participants;

  3. shall advertise support for all signing, encryption, authentication mechanisms and standards required to support Open Finance Brasil Financial API;

  4. shall advertise support for OpenID Dynamic Client Registration;

  5. shall may advertise mtls_endpoint_aliases as per clause 5 RFC 8705 OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens the token_endpoint, registration_endpoint and userinfo_endpoint;

  6. if supporting OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests shall advertise through OIDD mtls_endpoint_aliases the pushed_authorization_request_endpoint;

  7. if supporting Financial API - Client Initiated Back Channel Authentication shall advertise through OIDD mtls_endpoint_aliases the backchannel_authentication_endpoint;
