shall not use punctuation signs, umlauts or cedilla;
in addition to alphanumeric characters, only the following special characters may be used:
Character | Code NBR9611 (hexadecimal) | Character | Code NBR9611 (hexadecimal) |
White space | 20 | + | 2B |
! | 21 | , | 2C |
“ | 22 | - | 2D |
# | 23 | . | 2E |
$ | 24 | / | 2F |
% | 25 | : | 3A |
& | 26 | ; | 3B |
‘ | 27 | = | 3D |
( | 28 | ? | 3F |
) | 29 | @ | 40 |
* | 2A | \ | 5C |
All certificates issued by ICP-Brasil must have the following characteristics:
CertiSign (Chain v5 e v10)
Serasa (Chain v5 e v10)
Serpro (Chain v5 e v10)
Soluti (Chain v5 e v10)
Valid(Chain v5 e v10)
Only the certificates indicated with "Situação: válido" (which mean "status: valid") in these ITI repositories referenced above, which are Chain v5 and v10, should be accepted by the servers of the Open Finance Brasil ecosystem.
ASPSP may choose the certificate that should be adopted for Open Data endpoints, which, by nature, are publicly accessible.
OFB Phase | group | endpoint | certificate type | mTLS |
NA | OIDC | .well-known/openid-configuration | EV or ICP WEB SSL | |
NA | OIDC | jwks_uri | EV or ICP WEB SSL | |
NA | OIDC | authorization_endpoint | EV | |
NA | OIDC | token_endpoint | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
NA | OIDC | userinfo_endpoint | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
NA | OIDC | pushed_authorization_request_endpoint | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
NA | DCR | registration_endpoint | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
NA | OIDC | revocation_endpoint | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Consentimentos | /consents/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Resources | /resources/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Dados | /customers/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Cartão | /credit-cards-accounts/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Contas | /accounts/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Empréstimos | /loans/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Financiamentos | /financings/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Adiantamento | /unarranged-accounts-overdraft/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
2 | Direitos Creditórios | /invoice-financings/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
3 | Pagamentos | /payments/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
3 | Webhook | /webhook/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
4 | Câmbio | /exchanges/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
4 | Investimentos | /credit-fixed-incomes/* | ICP WEB SSL | Required |
9. Open Finance Client Certificate Subject DN Pattern - After January 19, 2023 {#subjectDNtemplates}
The table below presents the sequence in Relative Distinguished Name as per item 9.5. In order to check the sequential order of the subjectDN, refer to itens 9.2 and
RDN Order | OID | Attribute | ASN.1 - Bit String | Enconding |
1 | | CN | #0C | UTF8 |
2 | 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 | UID | #0C | UTF8 |
3 | | organizationIdentifier | #0C | UTF8 |
4 | | L | #0C | UTF8 |
5 | | ST | #0C | UTF8 |
6 | | O | #0C | UTF8 |
7 | | C | #13 | PrintableString |
8 | | serialNumber | #13 | PrintableString |
9 | | jurisdictionCountryName | #13 | PrintableString |
10 | | businessCategory | #0C | UTF8 |